“Weak Hero Class 1” takes up the story of Yeon SiEun, a top model student with a naturally fragile body. One would not be able to imagine, but this petite boy begins to use his smart tactics and analysis to fight against school violence, inside and outside of the school. He is accompanied by Ahn SooHoo (Choi HyunWook) and Oh BeomSeok (Hong Kyung) on this mission. The life of a teen is the most complex stage for a person and “Weak Hero Class 1” talks about it. It takes up the matter of bullying, mental health and how manipulative the world can be. Whilst a teen might think they are grown up, they are still kids on the inside. The show convinces the viewers to look over things we might have often avoided. Here are things that the show has made us ponder about. This article contains spoilers.  

1. Bullying In School And Its Impact

The drama opens up with the issue of bullying. Yeon SiEun is a quiet boy who yet again tops in his class but along his side there is someone else who gains the highest score in math, Jeon YoungBin (Kim SuGyeom). Jeon YoungBin and his group often target weak looking kids and he soon wishes to make SiEun his target, especially after SiEun doesn’t quiver before him. Instead, he would daringly tell him to move from his seat. BeomSeok had transfered to a new school to escape bullying. Unfortunately, YoungBin learns about it and threatens him to put a bandage over SiEun’s neck. This bandage was laced with drug and made Sieun feel dizzy. Because of which, he could not focus on the test. BeomSeok, too, is a fragile and easy victim. He is easily threatened, like the time the boys were threatened and asked to bring money. He willingly sold his father’s watch for it. BeomSeok, who was healing after becoming friends with SiEun and SooHoo, falls into the dark hole when his last bullies find him again. The bullying had such a negative impact on him that he began to feel himself being inferior before others. The show points out an important matter and how it can have an impact on a child. The show makes us wonder if running away really solves things and if it does, what can happen one day when they find themselves caught in the same situation again.  

2. The Significant Role Of The Presence Of Parents In A Child’s Life

Park JiHoon made us all cry with his remarkable performance as SiEun. SiEun was a victim of a broken family and he spends his days without the shelter of his parents. They have both separated and are too busy in their lives. Though SiEun’s father still tries to look after him, the two are unable to form a bond with each other. He feels empty and isolates himself from the world. Even his academic success no longer brings him happiness. This shows the importance a guardian has to the child. Even though SooHoo does not have any parents, he has his grandmother. So, even when he is struggling, he manages to appear carefree and joyous.  

3. How The Youth Is Targeted To Make Money

As we stated before, the teenage period is the most complex of all. Whilst turning into adults, they are still naive and easy to manipulate. In “Weak Hero Class 1” teens were scammed by a gambling site named ‘Free Money’, which looted money from them by making them addicted to the game. Moreover, in the first episode, teens were used as drug mules and experienced physical abuse. This also included YoungYi (Lee Yeon) who rang away from her home and got caught. She partners up with SiEun and lends him all the details with the hope to be set free.  

4. Friendship Is All You Need

SiEun and SooHoo’s friendship is to die for. SooHoo stood up to stop SiEun when he lost control of his anger. Though they were almost strangers back then, SooHoo does it to protect SiEun from trouble. SooHoo becomes the sunshine in SiEun’s dark world. He protects him by staying by his side. In a scene, he called SiEun to ’teach’ him how to fight. But instead of motivating him to hit the other, he teaches him how to tackle the opponent and tells him to run. If he fought he would get hurt and SooHoo didn’t want that. The show has 8 episodes and we highly recommend that you must watch it if you have not! If you have share your views on it with us!   Top 4 Korean Web Dramas To Have On Your Watchlist This November 2022 KDRAMA STORIES|Nov 2, 2022

Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 92Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 83Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 33Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 7Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 81Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 23Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 3Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 7Things  Weak Hero Class 1  Made Us Ponder Upon - 26