Through variety shows, vlogs, V-Lives, and more, we have come to know the members on a deeper level. As such, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that we have gathered just enough knowledge to be able to tell that the WAYV members are nothing short of absolute entertainers in their own right, even when they’re not trying to be. While each member has their own unique quirks, we’re ranking them from most to least chaotic.   

7. WinWin

WinWin is more cute than chaotic and more sarcastic than confrontational. What makes him unique is his sense of humour that you’ll hardly ever see coming. However, before someone else can react to it, you’ll find him rolling over laughing at it himself. Whenever he does that, we can’t help but gush over him!  

6. Kun

Kun is the resident parent of the group but that is not to say that he doesn’t have a bit of the wild side in him. However, his style is rather playful and based on his sharp wit. Expect jokes that’ll take you a second to understand and by the time you do, it’ll be too late to respond. In addition, because he has a calm aura about him, his chaotic energy is unpredictable and hence, more effective. However, most of the time, it is just wholesome.  

5. Xiaojun

Xiaojun is the master of reactions. He’s mischievous and knows exactly what to say and when. This is probably the reason why he’s so good at variety shows! He also adorably relies on his NCT hyungs but doesn’t hesitate to tease them here and there. After all, that is exactly his charm and why he’s so beloved of his fellow members and fans alike.  

4. YangYang

YangYang knows how to make everything fun and exciting. He has the power to lift anyone’s spirits with his clever sense of humour, which at times, translates to absolutely pointless banter which is still more entertaining than anything else. When combined with the other members, his chaotic quotient simply goes through the roof.  

3. Lucas

Speaking of variety shows, no one does it better than Lucas. Lucas’ inner child shines through whenever he’s doing anything competitive or fun. It is true that there’s nothing he won’t do to win but his priority, even though he probably doesn’t realise it, is to have fun and make it entertaining and enjoyable for everyone around, whether that be his fellow members, audiences or even his competitors. Naturally, therefore, chaos is his driving force.  

2. Ten

Ten lives in his own world by his own rules. He does what he wants and says what he wants, always leaving those around him speechless. His methods of self-expression are a wonder, to say the least, and he owns every single bit of it. He’s brutally honest, making him the king of sass in WayV but he delivers his thoughts in such a manner that we can’t help but be tongue-tied.  

1. Hendery

If one word could describe Hendery, it would be ‘unhinged’. Hendery does not hold back when it comes to expressing himself, whether that be in music (which we love) but also in his day-to-day life (which we also adore). A trickster in the truest sense of the word, his energy is unmatched. Hendery is truly the life of the party and doesn’t bother about his image as an idol. Rather, he loves being himself and that is exactly what makes him special.   WayV Members YangYang And Ten Get 80s Style Glamour Shots Taken Of Them And We Can’t Stop Staring KPOP STORIES|Jul 13, 2021

Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 32Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 98Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 56Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 39Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 38Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 45Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 37Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 72Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 43Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 29Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 1Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 10Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 40Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 60Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 93Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 95Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic - 46